Let’s Party!

Celebrate Yourself
with Others

Let’s get together to accept, acknowledge and celebrate ourselves. Come as you are and enjoy a full hour of self reflection, gratitude and creation.

Join the celebration

Reflect, Acknowledge & Celebrate

So often we forget to pause and celebrate what already exists in our life, our gifts, small wins, even our bigger achievements. Let’s create a new habit of appreciating, cheering and celebrating ourselves as we are, together in community.

Release stress to ground yourself
Bring your emotions to the light to let them go
Reflect on your gifts to appreciate them
Acknowledge how far you’ve come to go forward
Celebrate yourself in your own special way

Join us for a full hour of celebration every Friday. End your week grounded and energized to appreciate who and where you are right now.

From the creator

Why is celebrating ourselves so important?

We’re so busy with the doing and chasing success that we forget to take a break and appreciate what we already have. Imagine celebrating everything that already exists in your life to cheer and support yourself going forward.

Talking to a friend about her business and wanting to celebrate together, I realized that we rarely appreciate our small wins and achievements. We also forget how much we grow each week. To remind us of our progress, I invite you to celebrate together.

For one hour a week we’ll be mindful of how far we’ve come, how much we truly have and how we’re exactly where we should be. We’ll forget about stress and limiting beliefs and concentrate on our gifts rather than what is missing.

Excited to celebrate with you,

Celebrate Yourself with Others


PER MONTHOnly Limited Spots
Don't miss yours!


What is included?

1 hour of appreciation and celebration every Friday at 12 pm PDT / 3 PM EST / 4 - 5 times a month
Intuitive art

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this celebration for?

For anyone who wants to learn to appreciate their life as is and enjoy their own gifts. For people who want to celebrate with others and join a community to learn, support and be accountable for each other. For us who treasure taking a break to reflect and learn as much as we can.

Why did you create this community?

I felt that there’s a need for slowing down and learning to appreciate what we already have rather than constantly chasing what we don’t. I feel it in myself and others and I wanted to create a space for us to celebrate how amazing we all are.

Why should I commit for a month?

Creating new habits takes time, effort and consistency. You’re gifting yourself with reflection, creation and celebration in a community of like-minded people. Repetition is an important key to continue supporting yourself.